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Process to Setup Failover Routes

Failover can be set to one of the following:

  • an external phone number (Failover will not work with another Flowroute DID)
  • a host IP with another PBX attached
  • SIP URI routes

A failover route occurs after a number of tries to the primary DID route. When the route informs Flowroute of interruption, or failure to reach the destination message, it re-routes the signal to the failover. The caller will not see any change in the call, they will be connected smoothly to the failover route.

The failover route is only active when the primary is out of operation, so you will not need to enable or deactivate its operation once it is set up.

A failover route is a quick way to be prepared in case of a power outage or network outage in a way that keeps your interaction with customers seamless.

NOTE: URI routing is considered an advanced configuration and should only be attempted by customers who are familiar with URI configurations in their PBX. Our support team cannot provide any assistance with PBX configuration.

How to set a failover route?

NOTE: This article assumes you are already familiar with using a DID on your account. If you do not have a DID check this article: Purchasing a DID

  1. Start in the Manage Portal -> Interconnection -> Inbound Routes
  2. With a DID in your account, go to the Interconnection page.

  3. Select the Inbound Routes menu option.

  4. You will see the "Add New Route" box in gray.

  5. The Alias for Route box

    Alias is to define for you, the name of the route you are creating for easier recognition later when assigning the route. This has no bearing on your route.

  6. The Host, Phone Number, and URI box

    • The Host - Routes directly to a host. Type in your host[:port]. If no port is specified, our servers will try to use DNS SRV records. Prepend with 'sips' to use TLS Encryption.

    • Phone Number - Forwards to a phone number on the public telephone network. Outbound rates apply.

    • URI - An advanced method which routes to a SIP URI. Type your URI in this fashion: protocol:user@domain[:port][;transport=].

  7. Enter the details for the route chosen in the Route box

  8. Edge Strategy - To better serve your SIP information, we provide the PoPs to balance your traffic and keep your connection as fast as possible. For this section, choose your closest PoP to your location.

  9. After successfully entering an Inbound Route (or if you have already had one) select DIDs from the menu.

  10. Select from the top menu “Manage” (if you are not already there)

  11. Select the DIDs to which you would like to add the Failover Route. You select the DIDs with a checkbox to the left of the DIDs.

  12. Select from the “Choose a DID Action” menu: Set Failover Route.

  13. Click the “Apply Action” button to the right of the dropdown.

  14. This will move you to a screen to select, from the drop down, the Inbound Route to which you would like to assign this Failover.

  15. Once you have selected your Inbound Route, finish the page with the green “Set Failover Route” button.

Your DID(s) will now have a Failover Route assigned to it.