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Port Forwarding (NAT) Policies for Flowroute's Direct Audio

To ensure you receive all audio on your Flowroute calls, specific Port Forwarding/NAT policies should be put in place on your network. The following two Port Forwarding network address translation (NAT) policies are required: 

  1. SIP signaling (call control): Forward UDP and TCP traffic on port 5060[1] to your PBX's local IP address.[2]

  2. RTP media (call audio): To reduce latency, Flowroute uses Direct Media. To receive Direct Media, allow UDP packets from any source IP address with a destination port within your system's RTP media port range to forward them to your PBX's local IP address.[3]

Related Topics

If you are using a Sonicwall firewall, pfSense firewall, or IP Tables, please see the following for specific configuration tips:

[1]If your system has issues connecting over port 5060, you can use 5160 as an alternate SIP port. 
[2] If your Port Forwarding configuration allows you to specify the source IP of your SIP traffic, you can restrict traffic on port 5060 or 5160 to all of the following server IP addresses: New PoPs
[3] RTP media port range varies by phone system. Your system's RTP media port range will be configured locally on your system and/or detailed in your system documentation.